Signing of a MoU of cooperation between Ukraine Invest and MEDEF International
On January 12, 2021, MEDEF International’s CEO Philippe GAUTIER and UkraineInvest Executive Director Sergiy TSIVKACH signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to reinforce the existing cooperation between the Ukrainian government’s investment promotion office and the French private business association.
In a joint effort to support more actively French companies willing to develop in the Ukrainian market, MEDEF International and UkraineInvest agreed on a new document to strengthen and diversify their cooperation. The two organizations agreed to work more closely, to intensify exchange of information and to propose a wider array of tailored and sectoral business sessions to French companies.
« I believe that this step will not only enhance cooperation between both organizations, but will also foster ties between business communities of Ukraine and France », UkraineInvest Executive Director Sergyi TSIVKACH said.
Established in 2016, UkraineInvest attracts foreign direct investment and assists existing investors to expand their businesses in Ukraine. Since its inception, the UkraineInvest team has managed to unlock $ 3.4 billion in foreign direct investment, provide investors with more than 3,200 consultations and encourage global brands to enter the Ukrainian market.
MEDEF International, the France’s most prominent private business association at an international level, is active with Ukraine since 1992 within its France-Ukraine Business Council.